Why Should I Install a Fire Alarm System?
Fire alarm systems are required by code in all commercial and industrial structures in Western PA. The system may consist of manual pull boxes; smoke detectors, duct detection and sprinkler monitoring devices. When fire/smoke is detected, audio and visual notifications will activate throughout the building and automatically report to the fire department.
- Primary function of a Fire Detection and Alarm System is for notification and evacuation of personnel.
- Fire detection Systems provide a much earlier warning of fire when compared to a sprinkler system
- Fire system provides audible and/or visible alarm signals by a manual pullstation, Smoke or heat detector
- Typical features include voice evacuation, fire-fighter communication and computer graphic annunciation
- IES installs Fire Alarms to NFPA regulations
- Our Underwriters Laboratory Listed central Station Monitoring is designed to alert the proper authorities
- IES is NICET Certified